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Showing posts from December, 2023Show All
Ram buys an laptop for Rs.47000 and spend Rs.2000  extra for headset .if he sold the same laptop with headset for 53000  rs. Find Gain using Java.
Write a program in Java statements ,Ganesh has  invested some amount in bank with simple intrest. The sum of  amount is Rs.900 in 3 years and Rs. 960 in 4 years.Find out the  principal amount using Java.
Shruti wants to make income of Rs. 600 daily from 10  % stock at rs 90 , so how much investment she have to make Write  program in Java.
Generate Fibonacci series using Java For/While 
Take an integer number as ‘n’ form user and 
calculate the factorial of that number using Java.
A person want to buy a New Car on loan .The bank 
has following requirement to sanction loan . a. CIBIL !<600 b. Age 
between 20 and 55 c. Monthly Income > 50,000 by considering all 
parameters design a loan prediction program using java.
Implement inheritance using Java consider Super class Animal with specific charactristics like eating habits  ,specifications color etc.Inherits all properites of super to  subclasses (Cat ,Dog,Cow) .Also include mehods to subclasses.
PublicTranport and PrivateTranport are subclasses of Transport.Car and Bike are sub-classes or derived classes of PrivateTransport .PMT and Auto are sub-classes or derived classes  of Public Transport.Assume sutaible mehods and veriables
Implement Polymorphisum using suitable example in Java
Write a program in java to implement the concept of Abstract Class using Java.
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